Did you know that your mental health may have a big impact on your heart health? According to the National Library of Medicine , emotional stress, depression, and other mental health conditions may affect your body's nervous system and raise stress hormones like adrenaline, which can lead to irregular heart rhythms such as Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) . In fact, in a recent article by the International Journal of Cardiology, researchers concluded that depression and anxiety may be associated with a 25% and 10% higher risk of developing AFib (respectively). 1
Taking care of your mental health is an important part of managing AFib. Learn how stress, anxiety, and other mental health conditions may affect heart health.

If you have AFib, or experience any of the risk factors for AFib , it’s important to pay special attention to your mental health alongside your cardiovascular health. Follow these tips for managing your mental health and AFib.
Take a walk, ride your bike, do yoga, or even join a group fitness class (as long as you feel well). Exercising has so many benefits, and the endorphins you experience are a great bonus for your mental health!
Try breathing exercises
Doing breathing exercises can help calm your mind and help you reset during stressful situations. A simple technique involves inhaling deeply through your nose, holding your breath for a few seconds, and then exhaling slowly through your mouth.
Join a support group
Support groups provide a safe space to express your feelings and connect with people who may have a shared experience. That understanding can help you feel validated in your emotions and you may even learn ways to cope with your specific situation.
Spend time with loved ones
Surround yourself with people who offer encouragement and understanding. Their support can help you feel less isolated and more motivated to stay on top of your overall health.
Maintain a balanced diet
You are what you eat! Nourish your body with heart- and brain-healthy foods that will keep you feeling good.
Keep track of your heart outside the doctor’s office
You don’t have to worry and wait for your doctor’s appointment to check in on your heart. Get peace of mind by tracking your heart health with Kardia. Our medical-grade personal EKGs record accurate heart data right on your phone and can detect AFib and more. Send your EKGs directly to your doctor or even have a board-certified cardiologist review it remotely.

Taking care of your mental health doesn’t just impact your risk of AFib; it can positively
affect your overall health and mindset, too. People with positive mental health are more
likely to have lower blood pressure, better glucose control, less inflammation, and lower
By identifying and learning how to cope with mental health conditions, you’ll take a big
leap toward living a healthy lifestyle—both mentally and physically.